Title: The Shapes We´re In
Size: Bikinis, about 10 cm x 32 cm x 15 cm, Size: Painting 68 cm x 48 cm
Material: Plywood /Aquarelle
Year: 2022
ABOUT: The Shapes We´re In
One summer morning I woke up with an image of a wooden bikini in my mind. Once in the studio, I started cutting out bikini pieces in wood and piecing them together with dovetail joints. As the sculptures were taking shape I tried to figure out what the project was about. First thing, a wooden bikini does not stretch, and if one tries it on, it breaks. The bikini bra turned out totally flat without me giving it a conscious thought, and the bikini was as rigid as an architectural drawing coming straight out from the flat paper.
The painting is an attempt to visually pour a body into the rigid bikini of the drawing to see how it works. To me, this relates to the BodyScape project, where I wanted to see what happens when pouring lightweight concrete into a baby girl’s swimsuit.